Friday, April 8, 2016

Good Day Outside

Good and busy day - up early and stayed busy most of the day. Had dinner at Boomers and called it a day.

Morning chores went well - no calf yet - and the gardens look well. We noticed this independent-minded potato plant sprouting in last year's potato bed (will be green beans and carrots this year.) Everything got a good soaking.

The chicks are doing well and running all around their pen. Their feathers are really coming along.

Outside in the 'big girl' yard, the grass screen is coming along too. We watered it again and hope the grass sprouts.

After last spring's rains washed out the bean patch, the grass grew in thick and lush before we had a chance to hoe it up. As a result, it spent all summer developing roots to where my hand tiller couldn't bust it up. But thanks to Facebook, we saw that our local greenhouse offers a tilling service so we had them come out this morning and till it up.

Dennis made a few passes, but the rains of a few days ago left our clay dirt too wet to really bust up. So we left it as is, and he'll come back in a few days after its had time to dry out. I asked them to put down some peat moss as well, and we'll pile up some cow manure too - that should really bust up the clay and enrich the soil. Next up: Peaches and Cream sweet corn!

Nancy spent the afternoon working on her project - it's coming along nicely! She's cut the 'tubes' of cloth squares into strips and opened the strips one square offset so the colors trickle down from strip to strip. Nice, eh?

When she has them all cut, she'll start sewing them together and the blanket will really take shape.

We have a frost warning tonight (actually tomorrow morning) so we brought the newly potted plants in to the garage and put boxes over the new herbs with paver stones to weight them down.

Tomorrow should be a good and busy day. In the afternoon we hope to head in to town for our 'Second Saturday' event - western art around the square. Until next time, take care of each other.