Good day! We woke to a frost condition (the lone potato sprout from last year had a little frost burn), but it warmed nicely to a fine spring day.
It was a Carhartt morning (with watch caps) out at the barn. Everybody's fine, although Starr continues to be UA, and the cows loved their hay. Patch looks like she could pop any second, and Royal was in season today.
Nancy's office mate, Randi, and her husband Steve, came up for a visit today. We met them on the square and spent a few hours walking around visiting the various shops, and finished with lunch at the Fifth Street Sandwich Shoppe.
Back home to water the gardens after the freeze lifted, and a quiet day after that. Chores went well - hogs are happy, cats are happy, cows are happy, chickens are happy, and everybody likes their chow.
We sat out on the deck watching the Pelicans fly around - I can't believe how high they fly (the Pelicans in Florida seem to stay around 10 feet off the water while these guys fly a thousand feet high).
The dogs lounged out in the yard and enjoyed the evening. What a great day. Tomorrow I need to get the corn seed for the patch and I'd like to set up the cucumber fence and get them planted next to the onions. Our friends Katie and Josh hope to come by for dinner so we'll have some steaks for the adults and hamburger for the kids. Until next time, take care of each other.